Jesse Johnson Calls It Quits With The Original 7ven


It was the dream reunion for Prince fans as all of the members of the Morris Day and The Time clan got back together and planned a tour of the United States as The Original 7ven. We covered it very intensely here at Funkatopia and were very excited to get a chance to see the band play together as a team once more.  Then yesterday Jesse Johnson, guitarist for The Time posted a disturbing message on his Facebook account.

Jesse Johnson Quits The Time

The post simply stated that he wasn’t going to be playing the The Original 7ven anymore because they don’t see eye to eye anymore.  No word on exactly what caused the post, but we’ll be reaching out to other connections to help you find out. Needless to say, many Time fans are very upset (including us). Suspiciously enough, The Original 7ven site, Facebook page and Twitter have remained eerily quiet not discussing it at all.

More Facebook posts then followed including;

Hello Babies,
I don’t really think I’ll be performing with the Original 7 (or The Time if your nasty) any more! We simple don’t see eye to eye on anything. Love the guys, but I feel in my heart it’s “Time” to walk away while we’re all still friends. May Peace be you. 
PeaceLove, Jesse Johnson Bey ♥

and then,

Some of us are born alone, live alone, and when the time comes die alone! I’ve always and always will be a fucking loner. Not ALONE, but a loner, a lover of solitude. I really isn’t that serious and we have Way More Important Pressing matters in the World to be concerned about.
LovePeace, Jesse Johnson

and then

It is really me Jesse Johnson formerly of a few fucking bands. But I understand, there are so many pretenders, but it’s really me. I feel really bad for thevpeople who were looking forward to seeing me with The Time or whoever, but you will see and hear me especially hear me forever! Music never dies, people do. Please excuse my spelling here and there I’m typing with one finger on my iPad.
LoovePeace, Jesse Johnson Bey ♥ (Birth name, I rarely use it in the entertainment world)

and then lastly this morning with

No old just new! Always reach for the stars! Always reach! Always venture into the unknown, creatively that is! Never become complacent or live on your past achievements. And never, I do mean never, worry about what people think of your music, clothing, etc…ESPECIALLY if you dig/love what your doing.
LovePeace, Jesse Johnson Bey ♥

Long story short, it does indeed look like it’s over. Dagnabbit!

The Original 7ven aka Morris Day and The Time

7 thoughts on “Jesse Johnson Calls It Quits With The Original 7ven

  1. its a shame, that CRACKHEAD, just look at him in that picture, derailed the time. trust, its gonna come out that the time booted HIM because jesse on that shit again……

    1. That’s a good point, but I think most people come from one of two camps. They are either Time purists that want to see Jesse at the helm again or they’re Jesse fans who simply want him to tour to support his own material. It’s great that he’s still actively playing, but he’s always been out there doing something. It’s just a shame all the way around.

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